Now while this statement should seem almost self-evident
(it’s practically a tautology), I’ve noticed that the current trend in the
traditional genres of escapism (Fantasy, Superhero, & Science Fiction) is
for the work to become more and more preachy. As if they’re using the medium to
talk down and “educate” the idiot masses. Sometimes it’s just a smug little
quip about an issue. More and more it’s been almost feature length “messages”
horned into previously popular franchises.
For me the breaking point was a recent episode of Dr. Who.
The new Doctor, in a female incarnation, meets Rosa Parks- not so bad in itself
– but most of the episode, 55 minutes in length, was spent of lecturing the
clueless companions (and through them, us - the idiot audience) all about the
Civil Rights era – a lot of which was incorrect or way too condensed. The
actual “story” took up about fifteen minutes of time and revolved around some
racist from the future coming back in time to knock Rosa Parks off before she
could sit at the front of the bus. Not an alien who happened to be around at
that time, maybe trying to get home, maybe dealing with similar issues on their
own planet. No, it was some cookie-cutter red-faced racist who wanted to
destroy Rosa Parks. Why? Because he’s evil, that’s why. What more do you need
to know, you racist! The entire endeavor was as subtle as a sledgehammer.
The purpose of these escapist genres was to allow the reader
to cast their minds away from the nonsense of the world. For the reader to
believe that the biggest evil in the world could be cured by throwing a magic
ring into a volcano, that there was no problem too big for Superman to handle,
that only a spaceship ride away was a world of adventure and beautiful
green-skinned women. The escape from reality is why all of these genres became
popular in the first place. People want to leave the world and have fun.
That isn’t to say you cannot talk about social issues in your
story. Take a look at any issue of the X-Men from the 1980s (the Claremont era
for those in the know) and you will see a message of tolerance for those who
are different from you. Somehow this straight, white, male author managed to
place this message without disrupting the story or being preachy.
How did he do this? By putting the escapism and story first.
If you are working in the fantasy, science fiction, horror, or superhero genre
and the purpose of your tale is to push forward an ideological message, then
you have a clunker on your hands. Stick to being outraged on Twitter. In
escapist genres, the world, the oddity, the break from reality, has to come
first. People don’t want a lecture, they want to see something beyond the norm.
If you can’t deliver then, move onto a different type of writing.